'Satanic Ritual Abuse' and Occult Crime
(OCRT excerpts + FBI/Govt Stats)
Hail Satan!
in combing the World-Wide Web for information surrounding 'satan' and 'abuse', I found a wonderful supply of information which I claim to be fair and extensive concerning religions and child/sex abuse. they are the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance (OCRT)
find below a selection of text excerpted from the OCRT website:
http://www.religioustolerance.org an amazing webwork of files and html documents which do religious folks a service while disemboweling the 'satanic ritual abuse' and 'recovered memory syndrome' scams rather directly. also find excellent support by government reports and well-researched religious files. here's what they had to say about 'satanic ritual abuse' and 'occult crime', along with my comments.
The Church of Satan, Temple of Set and other Satanic religious groups are active and probably include many thousands of members in North America. This number is speculative, because the largest group does not reveal its membership statistics, and the remaining groups are relatively small. There has been one allegation of abuse against a member of the Temple of Set by an ex-girlfriend, but no charges resulted.One case of intra-familial incest involving an underage teen-age male may have occurred. It was reported in the large Federal government study referred to above. The teen-ager's parents were Satanists and publicly acknowledged their religion. They apparently invited him to some of their sexual rituals as victim, observer and perpetrator. None of the horrendous details that the public associates with SRA (ritual killing, torture and mutilation, blood drinking, etc) occurred. It involved only sexual activity. If the allegations are true, then the parents would have committed incest with an under-aged person - a criminal act of child abuse. Since it happened during a Satanic ritual, it would be regarded by many as Satanic Ritual Abuse.
To our knowledge, no criminal charges have been laid or convictions obtained against any religious Satanist. Again, as a working hypothesis, we conclude that religious Satanists are not abusing or sacrificing people.
boboroshi: that is, these were the ONLY INSTANCES where the social culture called 'Satanism' and ritual abuse intersected. in all other cases there was either not enough evidence to warrant further investigation or the individuals could not be shown to be connected to any strand of Satanism.
other OCRT excerpts
The US government tried to obtain reliable information by funding a massive study of childhood ritual abuse. They obtained data from over 10,000 psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, as well as from police offices, district attorneys' offices and social service departments. They found
- An alarming incidence of child ritual and non-ritual abuse during exorcisms, by withholding medical attention and beating children
- One case of incest within a family during Satanic rituals;
- No unequivocal evidence of:
- bizarre and horrible satanic ritual
- abuse scenarios or of
- large scale, organized Satanic cults.
boboroshi:that is, the US Govt found more ritual abuse from EXORCISMS and other CHRISTIAN 'family values' than within the purported 'Satanist' world (usually inclusive of Neopagans, btw).
continuing OCRT excerpts
There is no hard evidence of this form of ritual abuse by organized Satanic, Pagan, or other non-Christian groups. Typical types of hard evidence would have been human blood at a ritual site, dead bodies, underground tunnels where children said they were taken (as in the famous McMartin Day Preschool centre in California), etc.
Why do people believe that Satanic/Sadistic Ritual Abuse is common? Most people believe that there are very evil people following a very evil religion, who kill babies, drink their blood, eat their flesh, and who engage in degenerate sexual practices. This belief system has existed for decades without any hard evidence. Many reasons have been cited for this belief:
- There are many people who believe themselves to be ritual abuse survivors who deliver seminars and write books which promote the concept.
- Some Evangelical Christians and feminist therapists deliver lectures, conduct seminars and write books promoting it.
- The belief system was started by the Roman Empire in the second century when they were persecuting Christians. It was reused by the Christian Church against the Witches (Wiccans). It was used by the Nazis against the Jews. It is being used today against some therapy, religious or spiritual individuals and groups. Whenever the rumour was active in the past, most ordinary citizens believed it to be true. They do so today also.
- Now that Communism is no longer a menace, we need an internal "evil empire" to demonize.
boboroshi:that is, it is a MODERN DAY WITCH HUNT, this time fought by legally-supported Satanists and the bewildered Christian establishment which is being disillusioned by a nonpartisan judicial system that, even when predominantly Christian, such as in the Utah study, fails to find the evidence popularly expected.
concluding with OCRT info on 'the Occult' and 'Occult Crime'
"The Occult" is simply a list of mostly unrelated practices and activities. It does not exist as an organization. Occult Crime does not exist, any more than Christian or Jewish Crime exists. The exact makeup of the Occult depends upon your own religious beliefs. There is no general consensus....boboroshi:that is, there is NO justification for the use of the phrase 'occult crime' and there is no justification for the use of the phrase 'satanic crime' or indeed 'satanic ritual abuse' by the findings of the US Federal Government and the studies conducted by several state agencies (CA/UT at least) and the British Government.
finishing off with K. Lanning, for the FBI (in his report's Conclusion):
There are many children in the United States who, starting early in their lives, are severely psychologically, physically, and sexually traumatized by angry, sadistic parents or other adults. Such abuse, however, is not perpetrated only or primarily by satanists. The statistical odds are that such abusers are members of mainstream religions. If 99.9% of satanists and 0.1% of Christians abuse children as part of their spiritual belief system, that still means that the vast majority of children so abused were abused by Christians.
boboroshi:as the OCRT mentions as regards this figure, given that the resultant numbers are accurately reflected by today's census figures (99.9% of Satanists likely amounts to some thousands; .1% of Christians likely amounts to perhaps 100,000), Lanning could even have used .01% and have been entirely accurate. in fact I would suggest that the evidence actually points the OPPOSITE DIRECTION (i.e. that there is reason to suspect more ritual abuse associated with Christianity than it statistically warrants as compared to other, minority religions).
end of quoted materials
given this information -- I am compiling all files I can find which contain rational information on the subject, along with Satanism and other Dark Links at:
http://www.satanservice.org/ -- I would love to hear one or two citations which would *begin* to justify perpetuating the phrases 'occult crime' or 'satanic ritual abuse' in any reputable publication or information site. thanks. :>
circulation authorizationplease send a copy of this report to whoever might be interested. I hope to catalyze a mass-deflation of this witchhunt. please give my sources full credit and publicize my editorship of it all you like, especially the OCRT URL! I would note that the Lanning report may be found at:
http://www.religioustolerance.org/ra_rep03.htm please quote me and this report wherever you want to do so. I'm a public monk working for the betterment of relationship between all nature-religions and their neighbors as well as simultaneously between human beings and their neighbor-species, whom we are decimating at horrendous rates. I hope that once the witchhunt terminates we can see that we are destroying wild nature (Satan) and will join forces to begin serious ecological work.
important: there ARE Christians who debunk SRA!
here's an URL:http://parc.power.net/users/aia/AiA_intro.html stop the lambasting, inspire religious tolerance! ;>
while I don't want my email address to be seen as some sort of information resource point, I will respond to email if someone can't get the information from the URLs I'm handing out.eventually you can check out (which I'm currently crafting):
http://www.satanservice.org/delusion/ to find a detailed research page helpful to those who want more information on Satanism, ritual abuse and crimes associated with religions. I may prepend that report for good measure if there is a positive response such as you appear to be presaging.
blessed beast! ;> (originally written 49960916)
- The Ordur of Kaos Under Satan (TOKUS)
-- the underlying k@s that makes all this possible
- Satanism Archive
- Smackers -- self-described Satanist expressions
- Compare outsiders' descriptions of Satanism and satanism:
- Propaganda -- non-Satanist religious and academics
- Delusion -- 'satanic ritual abuse' fear-mongering
- Mother Church (CoE)
-- the progenitrix of eco-ethics
(c) 1999 boboroshi@satanservice.org (nagasiva)
items referenced in this archive are
copyright the authors cited per the Berne standard.Illustr. credits: "krampustile" was cybercrafted by tyagi nagasiva, scanned from a 1932 postcard printed by "Erika" with krampus on red and white background, 1998; 'Snake Bar Devils' is an improvement on the 'Authentic Candle of Desperation' packaging from Botanica Del Leon Rayon (Mexico) by t. nagasiva, 1998.
The Gospel of Satan: the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World
Satanism Bibliography: composite booklist of relevant sources on Satanity and devildom, by category
Satanic Blood Pact: explanation of how, why, and when to make a blood pact with the Devil
Adversarial AEon Begins: the particular and specific incident of a Satanic Blood Pact described
Manifesto Satanika: a generalized Satanic sociopolitical manifesto, with a helpful elaboration
nocTifer: a tender-hearted Satanian (nagasiva yronwode) in all avenues of expression
Bookmarks in compilation from the Magus of the AEon of the AdversaryMAGIC, SPELLS, AND DIVINATION
Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century hoodoo accounts, with ex-slave narratives & interviews
Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers: readings and hoodoo services
Hoodoo Library facilitating an education on conjure, and help procuring modern sources
Herb Magic: illustrated descriptions of magic herbs with free spells, and a way to obtain them
Free Spells from eclectic witches, Coven Kyklos, in their Book of Shadows, called "Spiritual Spells"
Lucky Mojo Spell Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more
Mystic Tea Room: tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups
Tarosymbolismatrix Tetraktypisciseferoticus: the symbolic foundation of a novel Tarot deck
Change Oracle: rudiments of Yijing (I Ching) and several means of using it for readings
Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
Usenet FAQ Archive: arcane and spiritual FAQs and REFs, brought to you by Lucky Mojo
YIPPIE: the Yronwode Institution, bearing the standard of indigenous ethnomagicologyOCCULTISM, MYSTICISM, AND RELIGION
Arcane Archive: thousands of archived usenet posts on religion, magic, mysticism, and spirituality
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: inter-faith; candle services; Smallest Church in the World
Sacred Sex: essays and articles on neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship
Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist