To: alt.magick.tyagi,talk.religion.newage,talk.religion.misc,,alt.satanism
From: (SOD of CoE)
Subject: RVW: "Raising the Devil..."
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 19:03:06 GMT

50010218 Vom Hail Satan!

REVIEW OF: "Raising the Devil: Satanism, New Religions, and the Media" 

	author: Bill Ellis
	publisher: University of Kentucky Press
	year: 2000

reviewer: (c) 2001. all rights reserved.

a Christian folklorist's attempt to identify the sources of data
surrounding the images of the Devil and Satanism within contemporary
culture and specific subcultures. of moderate reliability (repeats
LaVey's lies about "Rosemary's Baby" film as fact despite also quoting
Polanski as denying having done any research for the film, for example). 
would better be titled "Rumor Panics, Folkloric Analyses, and the
Satanism Scare of Late 20th Century Britain and the United States".
incomplete coverage: no mention of sources like Huysmans or the
potential that the Taxil-Huysmans team might influence the opinions
of sources quoted (such as British criminologist Henry T.F. Rhodes
and the occultist Manly P. Hall). no mention of Faust folklore, the
folklore surrounding the number 666, Michael Aquino and the Presidio
incident, Matamoros, or any serious background on Spiritualism.
would probably be assisted by incorporating the data in Waite's
"Devil Worship in France", cited in text but not in bibliography.

perpetuates the *valuable* distinction between "folklore *of*
witchcraft and Satanism (i.e., what witches and Satanists *do*
believe)" and "folklore *about* witches and Satanists (what [any
others] *think* witches and Satanists believe)." 

the following quote lays out the basics of the text: 

	This book will examine the process by which this craze was
	launched by looking closely at the role the Devil and Satanism
	played in three of its constitutive elements -- Anglo-American
	magical folklore, the practice of exorcism, and the subversion
	myths that had previously scapegoated cultural outsiders such
	as Jews and Communists. Then we will examine two processes:
	the appearance of "confessing Satanists," influential works that
	claimed to portray an insider's view of cults, and the rumor
	panics over graveyard desecrations and cattle mutilatios. These
	helped fuse and communicate THE IMAGE OF SATANISM to a mass
	public. [p. xviii; my emphasis -- boboroshi]

as Jeffrey Burton Russell treated the CONCEPT of Satan, rather
than what that entity might actually be, so Ellis treats the IMAGE
of Satanism, rather than what that phenomenon might actually be
(compare Lyons, of whom Ellis makes use regarding Satanism, 
or better J. Gordon Melton, whose academic status compares
favorably with that of the author, but whose scholarship on
Satanism itself Ellis never cites, preferring to let him speak in
defense of Wicca instead).

OVERALL: for the limited and actual subject, it seems an intriguing
study of sociology, folklore, and blood libel, worthy of acquisition
by those interested in martyrdom, panic, scare, and witch-hunt
phenomena, but of little value for those who wish to learn about 
Satanism as practiced by many individuals or groups. variable data
on LaVey and Crowley also appears, including the amusing notion
that the latter's definition of magick might be taken as "normative"!

[additional material from the dust-jacket, back-flap:

        Bill Ellis -- associate professor of English and American
        studies at Penn State Hazleton, has served as president
        of the International Society for Contemporary Legend
        Research and the American Folklore Society's Folk Narrative
        Section. He is an active member of the Evangelical Lutheran
        Church in America.

							added 2005]

(c) 2001, 2005

I received a copy of the book for providing this review. thanks.

Related sites of interest:
The Gospel of Satan: the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World
Satanism Bibliography: composite booklist of relevant sources on Satanity and devildom, by category
Satanic Blood Pact: explanation of how, why, and when to make a blood pact with the Devil
      Adversarial AEon Begins: the particular and specific incident of a Satanic Blood Pact described
Manifesto Satanika: a generalized Satanic sociopolitical manifesto, with a helpful elaboration
nocTifer: a tender-hearted Satanian (nagasiva yronwode) in all avenues of expression
      Bookmarks in compilation from the Magus of the AEon of the Adversary

Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
      Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century hoodoo accounts, with ex-slave narratives & interviews
      Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers: readings and hoodoo services
      Hoodoo Library facilitating an education on conjure, and help procuring modern sources
Herb Magic: illustrated descriptions of magic herbs with free spells, and a way to obtain them
Free Spells from eclectic witches, Coven Kyklos, in their Book of Shadows, called "Spiritual Spells"
Lucky Mojo Spell Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more
Mystic Tea Room: tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups
Tarosymbolismatrix Tetraktypisciseferoticus: the symbolic foundation of a novel Tarot deck
Change Oracle: rudiments of Yijing (I Ching) and several means of using it for readings
Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
Usenet FAQ Archive: arcane and spiritual FAQs and REFs, brought to you by Lucky Mojo
YIPPIE: the Yronwode Institution, bearing the standard of indigenous ethnomagicology

Arcane Archive: thousands of archived usenet posts on religion, magic, mysticism, and spirituality
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: inter-faith; candle services; Smallest Church in the World
Sacred Sex: essays and articles on neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship
Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist