[RITUAL ABUSE, SATANISM, OCCULTISM, BOOKS; (Eclectic): http://www.xroads.com/rahome/ra_books.htm ]
[edited to indicate what is associated with "Satanism" or "Occultism"]
- Angebert, Jean Michel. The Occult and the Third Reich. Macmillan, 1984.
- Barton, B. The secret life of a satanist: The authorized biography of Anton LaVey. Feral House, Los Angeles, CA, 1990.
- Baskin, Wade. Satanism. Citadel Press, Secaucus, NJ, 1972.
A dictionary of magic and satanic terms.
- Blood, L. The New Satanists. Warner, New York, NY, 1994.
- Bredenberg, Alice M. Teenagers and satanism.
The background of Satanism and typical Satanic activities are described. It is noted that contemporary Satanism has three forms: solitary Satanists, outlaw cults, and neo-Satanic churches. Included in a description of Satanic activities are Heavy Metal music and fantasy games, both of which are intensely interesting to teenagers. The next section profiles the personality of a teenager who might succumb to cult overtures, as well as environmental factors which enhance the appeal of cultism. The personality profile includes teenagers' identity search; loners who are disconnected from family; teenagers without cultural, religious, or community values; and powerlessness. Methods for recruiting teenagers into Satanism are discussed and it is noted that groups of followers are solidified by intimidation, guilt, and fear. Finally, a scenario for program planning and rehabilitation is presented. It is claimed one of the blocks to intervention is the disbelief of the general public. However, it is noted that denial of Satanism is inappropriate for people who work with vulnerable teenagers. It is recommended that clients are stripped of all environmental symbols and are involved in group therapy. Family and community involvement, prevention programs by school counselors, and school-based mental health counselors are recommended.
- Brown, Dee. The Treatment of Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors: A Therapist's Handbook. Privately published, 800 Grant St., Suite 510, Denver CO, 1991.
A warm, encouraging introduction to the treatment of adult survivors of ritual abuse, written for therapists beginning work in this area.
- Brown, Rebecca. He Came To Set the Captives Free. Chick Publications, Chino, CA, 1986.
Story of a nurse's recruitment and escape from satanism. Christian viewpoint, with many scriptural suggestions for fighting satanism.
- Bubeck, Mark I. The Adversary. Moody Press, 1975.
- Bubeck, Mark I. Overcoming the Adversary. Moody Press, 1984.
- Bubeck, M. I. The satanic revival: surprising cure. Here's Life Publishers, P.O. BOX 1576, San Bernardino, CA.
- Bugliosi, Vincent, & Gentry, Curt. Helter-Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders. Bantam Books, New York, NY, 1979.
'True crime' format.
- Carlson, C., Larue G. and O'Sullivan, G. Satanism In America. Gaia Press, 1988.
- Carr, Joseph. The Twisted Cross. Huntington House, 1985.
- Cavendish, Richard. The Black Arts. Wideview/Perigree (The Putnam Publishing Group), New York, NY, 1967.
A readable and complete scholarly history of numerology, the Cabala, alchemy, and satanism, with a clear explanation of satanic theology.
- Crowther, P. Lid off the Cauldron. S.Weiser, Inc., 1985.
- De Camp, John W. The Franklin cover-up: Child abuse, satanism and murder in Nebraska. AWT, Inc., P.O. Box 85461, Lincoln, NE 68501, (402) 475-0404, 1991.
Documents evidence of relationships between banking, covert military operations, drug smuggling, child prositution, child pornography and allegations of ritual child abuse.
- Estabrooks, G. Hypnotism. Dutton, 1957.
- Feldman, Gail Carr. Lessons in Evil, Lessons from the Light: A True Story of Satanic Abuse and Spiritual Healing. Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, NY, 1993.
A therapist's account, with many quotations from the survivor, of healing by an Afro-American survivor of Satanic abuse.
- Flowers, E. Fire & ice: Magical teachings of Germany's greatest secret occult order. Llewellyn, St. Paul, MN, 1990.
- Flynn, Kevin, and Gerhardt, Gary. The Silent Brotherhood: Inside America's Racist Underground. Signet (Penguin), New York, NY, 1989.
'True crime' format: story of the white supremacist group that killed Alan Berg.
- Greaves, George B., "Alternative hypotheses regarding claims of satanic cult activity: A critical analysis," in Out of darkness: Exploring satanism and ritual abuse, edited by David K. Sakheim and Susan E. Devine, Lexington Books/Macmillan, Inc, New York, NY, 1992, pp. 45--72.
At present the most common area for discussion about satanic cults is the reality of their existence; opinions vary from total acceptance to total disbelief. This chapter presents overview of the issues involved in this debate, a useful typology of the positions taken by experts in the fields, and a helpful integration of these seemingly divergent perspectives. Topics include: conceptual confusion in SCS (satanic cult survivor) reports; SCS productions as clinical data; the principle heuristic hypotheses; the nihilistic hypotheses; the apologist hypotheses.
- Gunderson, T. L. Corruption: The satanic cult drug network and missing children. Volumes I and II. Ted L. Gunderson & Associates, 2210 Wilshire Blvd., #422, Santa Monica, CA 90403, 1992.
Articles from a wide variety of sources, including police reports, memos. newspapers, survivor reports. Focuses on drug running, possible government involvement, and cover-ups.
- Hertenstein, M. and Trott, J. Selling satan. Cornerstone Press, 1993.
- Hicks, R. D. In pursuit of satan: The police and the occult. Prometheus Books, 1991.
- Holmes, R. M. Profiling violent crimes: An investigative tool. Sage, Newbury Park, CA, 1989.
Psychological profiling: An introduction -- Profiling in fantasy and fact -- Criminal theories and psychological profiling -- The rationale for psychological profiling -- The analysis of the crime scene -- Profiling serial murders -- Profiling satanic and cult-related murders -- Psychological profiling and rape -- The victim in psychological profiling -- Profiling and the future -- References -- Index -- About the author. SUMMARY: (from the preface) When you want to know about violent crime, why not go to the violent offenders? I talked and corresponded with violent personal offenders, rapists, and murderers. I asked them questions about their crimes, motivations, and crime scenes. I combined the knowledge I gained from those in prison and on death row with theoretical knowledge and my practical experience. This book is a product of that endeavor and provides the basic elements of profiling. It is not a cook book. In other words, it will not turn anyone into a profiler. What it will do is acquaint readers with the general principles of profiling, as well as what is needed to develop a sociopsychological profile. I believe that experience, a thorough knowledge of the social and behavioral sciences (as well as criminology), and a knowledge of police investigative techniques will serve as a firm base for profiling.
- Hudson, Pamela S. Ritual Child Abuse: Discovery, Diagnosis and Treatment. R&E Publishers, Saratoga, CA, 1991.
A survey of symptoms of child survivors of extra-familial ritual abuse and a discussion of therapy with both agitated and 'frozen' children.
- Hutchison, M. Megabrain. Ballantine, 1986.
Revised June 30, 1995
- Johnston, J. The Edge of Evil: The rise of satanism in North America. Word Publishing, Dallas, TX, 1989.
- Kahner, Larry. Cults That Kill: Probing the World of Occult Crime. Random House, 1988.
- Kinscherff, Robert, "Child forensic evaluation and claims of ritual abuse or satanic cult activity: A critical analysis," in Out of darkness: Exploring satanism and ritual abuse, edited by David K. Sakheim and Susan E. Devine, Lexington Books/Macmillan, Inc, New York, NY, 1992, pp. 73--107.
Forensic evaluation assesses the functioning and clinical mental health needs of children by seeking to understand their experiences, but also tries specifically to generate evidence that may be used in legal actions The variation in clinical presentation and legal issues involved in cases of suspected or known ritualized maltreatment prevent reliance upon a single protocol or "recipe" for forensic evaluation. Presents general considerations and strategies for evaluation in cases where children or adolescents present for forensic evaluation as victims or perpetrators of ritualized maltreatment. Ritualized maltreatment and the law; overview of forensic mental health; child forensic evaluation (eliciting information from children, specific investigative techniques, the role of the forensic evaluator); use of law-enforcement information; forensic evaluation and ritualized maltreatment (degree and nature of any group involvement, motivations for ritualized maltreatment, intrafamilial or extrafamilial perpetrators, sources of "contagion" or external agendas, clinical sequelae of ritualized maltreatment); forensic evaluation of delinquency and occult involvement.
- Langone, M. D. Satanism and occult-related violence: What you should know. American Family Foundation, Weston, MA, 1990.
Events stimulating public concern -- Law enforcement findings -- Growing public awareness -- Reports from helping professionals -- Historical background -- Modern Satanism -- Folk religions -- Prevalence -- Why do people get involved in Satanism? -- Recruitment tactics -- Effects and signs of satanic involvement -- Teenagers forming cults -- How does satanic involvement affect people? -- What can families do? -- Educate yourself -- Communicate effectively -- Be patient and set a hierarchy of goals -- Exercise authority when appropriate -- Know when to seek professional help -- Suggestions for mental health professionals -- Working with deeply involved satanists -- Ritualistic abuse -- Adult survivors -- Legal issues -- Conclusions -- References -- Resource organizations.
This report's perspective is that of the mental health professional. Our goals are to review the existing literature pertinent to Satanism and to offer suggestions to parents and helping professionals concerned about people, especially youth, involved in Satanism. (from the cover) Published by the American Family Foundation, the leading professional research organization devoted to cultic studies, this important, thoroughly documented report provides a balanced overview of the problems posed by the recent upsurge of Satanism and occult-related violence in the United States.
- Langone, M. D. Recovery from cults: Help for victims of psychological and spiritual abuse. W. W. Norton & Co, Inc., New York, NY, 1993.
Helping cult victims: Historical background -- Section I: Mind control -- A little carrot and a lot of stick: A case example -- Reflections on brainwashing -- Understanding mind control: Exotic and mundane mental manipulations -- Section II: Leaving cults -- A personal account: Eastern meditation group -- A personal account: Bible-based group -- Post-cult problems: An exit counselor's perspective -- Exit counseling: A practical overview -- The importance of information in preparing for exit counseling: A case study -- Section III: Facilitating recovery -- Post-cult recovery: Assessment and rehabilitation -- Guidelines for therapists -- Guidelines for clergy -- Guidelines for psychiatric hospitalization of ex-cultists -- Guidelines for support groups -- Guidelines for families -- Guidelines for ex-members -- Section IV: Special issues -- Children and cults -- Ritualistic abuse of children in day-care centers -- Teen satanism -- Legal considerations: Regaining independence and initiative -- Index.
SUMMARY: (from the jacket)
This book is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the cult experience. It draws on the clinical expertise of treatment professionals and the personal experiences of those formerly involved in high-intensity mind-control groups. The book examines the history of the cult phenomenon, the nature of mind control, the psychological literature on post-cult distress, why people leave cults, exit counseling and deprogramming, and how to facilitate recovery. (It) makes a strong case for the extreme damage that cults can do to members physically, as well as psychologically and spiritually. There are specific guidelines for different types of counseling: psychotherapy, pastoral counseling, psychiatric hospitalization, and suggestions for support groups, families and ex-members themselves.
- Larson, B. Satanism: The seduction of America's youth. T. Nelson, Nashville, TN, 1989.
'True crime' format: the story of Richard Ramirez.
- Linedecker, Clifford L. Hell Ranch: Nightmare of Voodoo, Drugs, & Death in Matamoros. Tom Doherty Associates, Inc., New York, NY, 1989.
'True crime' format.
- Linedecker, Clifford L. Night Stalker. St. Martin's Paperbacks, New York, NY, 1991.
'True crime' format: the story of Richard Ramirez.
- Lockwood, Craig. Other Altars: Roots and realities of cultic and satanic ritual abuse and multiple personality disorder. Compcare, Minneapolis, MN, 1993.
- Lyons, A. Satan wants you. Mysterious Books, New York, NY, 1988.
- Mangen, Richard, "Psychological testing and ritual abuse," in Out of darkness: Exploring satanism and ritual abuse, edited by David K. Sakheim and Susan E. Devine, Lexington Books/Macmillan, Inc, New York, NY, 1992, pp. 147--173.
There is a lack of literature in the area of psychological testing of cult abuse victims. The purpose of this chapter is to begin to fill this gap and to address some of the issues involved in conceptualizing and undertaking psychological testing with victims of satanic cult abuse. Given that satanic cult abuse involves extensive psychological trauma leading to a variety of dissociative disorders---including MPD (multiple personality disorder), the small but growing body of literature relating to psychological test results of MPD and other dissociated states is relevant. This set of writings, as well as several other articles of significance, which is reviewed.
- Marks, Isaac M. Fears, Phobias, and Rituals. Oxford University Press, 1987.
- Masters, R. E. L. The Sexual Psychopathology of Witchcraft. Julian Press, 1962.
- Mayer, Robert S. Satan's Children. Avon Books, New York, NY, 1991.
An analyst describes his treatment of several ritual abuse survivors. The material is graphic and the author maintains a skeptical outlook throughout the book.
- Mercer, J. Behind the mask of adolescent satanism. Deaconness, Minneapolis, MN, 1989.
- Michaels, J. The devil is alive and well and living in America today. Award books, New York, NY, 1973.
- Moriarty, A. The psychology of adolescent satanism: A guide for parents, counselors, clergy, and teachers. Praeger Publishers/Greenwood,Westport, CT, 1992.
The problem -- Personality types of adolescents involved in Satanism -- The psychopathic delinquent -- The angry misfit -- The pseudo-intellectual -- The suicidal impulsive -- Risk factors associated with Satanism -- Cultural factors -- Physical factors -- Psychological factors -- Social factors -- The Satanic Bible -- Satanism as a source of power -- The Satan-God duality -- Rites of passage -- Parent styles: The beginning -- Communicating effectively -- Satanism and suicide
This book addresses the problems of adolescent Satanism from a psychological viewpoint. It includes the developmental dynamics that underlie four different types of young people who become involved in Satanism and provides an analysis of risk factors. The author critically evaluates the philosophy of Satanism through a review of The Satanic Bible, and further appraises the causes of Satanism by examining the roles of power, ritual, and dualistic thinking in young people's lives. In addition, Moriarty evaluates how communication patterns and parenting styles impact on a young person's vulnerability to become involved in Satanism. This is also the first book to describe the relationship between Satanism and suicide. Finally, it closes with ten practical suggestions for parents and others that will lead to effective prevention. This volume is intended for a wide audience, including parents, teachers, clergy, counselors, and other mental health professionals, and is a valuable resource for law enforcement personnel.
- Newton, Michael. Raising Hell: An Encyclopedia of Devil Worship and Satanic Crime. Avon Books, New York, NY, 1993.
Short, accurate entries on a variety of subjects. Extensive bibliography, but entries are not referenced.
- Nugent, Christopher. Masks of Satan. Sheed & Ward, 1983.
- Ofshe, R. Making monsters: False memories, psychotherapy, and sexual hysteria. Charles Scribner/Macmillan, New York, NY, 1994.
The myths of memory -- Effort after meaning --Symptoms of pseudoscience -- Creation of the abuse narrative -- Investment in belief -- Life with father -- Hypnosis and the creation of pseudomemories -- Two cases of hypnotic story creation -- Reason and da rkness: The strange stories of satanic abuse -- Multiple personality disorder: The creation of a sickness -- Therapy of a High Priestess -- The murder, the witness, and the psychiatrist -- Deaths in the family -- Conclusion: The etiology of recovered memo ry therapy -- Appendix: Three papers.
Through case histories, persuasive arguments and extensive documentation, (the authors) attack what they see as a devastating trend in psychotherapy, where therapists--under the guise of helping their patients--lead them to erroneously believe they have unlocked long-buried memories of events about which they have lost all knowledge. The problem, say the authors, is that memories retrieved, using the techniques of this therapy, are false: the events never took place. Yet time and again, over-zeal ous therapists have induced vulnerable patients to believe they have been victims of years-long brutalization and sexual abuse, often by members of their own families, and/or suffer from multiple personality disorders.
(from the preface) (The authors') goal is to prove beyond doubt that devastating mistakes are being made within certain therapy settings. By relying on the published works of recovered memory clinicians for the bulk of (the) evidence, (they) intend to sho w that these mistakes are not being made by aberrant clinicians but by a substantial group of therapists who have created a movement replete with scholarly and how-to books, conferences for clinicians, journals, newsletters, and a raft of prominent expert s. This work is intended as an expose of a pseudoscientific enterprise that is damaging the lives of people in need.
- Oke, Isaiah. Blood Secrets: The True Story of Demon Worship and Ceremonial Murder. The Berkeley Publishing Group, New York, NY, 1991.
A Nigerian describes his experience of traditional and perverted juju, from which voodoo and Santeria are derived.
- Parkin, David, Editor. The Anthropology of Evil. Oxford, 1985.
- Passantino, B, and Passantino. When the devil dares your kids: Protecting your children from satanism, witchcraft, and the occult. Servant Books, Ann Arbor, MI, 1991.
- Peck, M. Scott. People of the Lie. Simon & Schuster, 1983.
A Christian meditation on the characteristics of individual and group evil, the nature of Satan, and God's attitude toward evil. No mention of ritual abuse.
- Pendergrast, M. Victims of memory: Incest accusations and shattered lives. Upper Access, Inc., Hinesburg, VT, 1995.
Victims of memory: An overview -- Daughters lost -- How to become a survivor -- The memory maze -- How to believe the unbelievable -- Multiple personalities and satanic cults -- The therapists -- The survivors -- The accused -- The retractors -- And a lit tle child shall lead them (and be led) -- A brief history: The witch craze, reflex arcs, and Freud's legacy -- Why now? -- Survivorship as religion: Martyrs, true believers, and gurus -- Conclusions and recommendations -- Epilogue: A letter to Stacey and Christina -- Endnotes -- Bibliography -- Index.
Misinformation from therapists or books can provide a powerful formula for changing a person's entire belief system. That is what Victims of Memory is about--how perfectly normal people... could come to believe in such horrible delusions (such as being victims of incest), and how responsible therapists and critics can bring an end to this madness. As an investigative journalist and scholar, (the author) has delved into the complicated social, cultural, and individual factors that lie behind the accusations. Victims of Memory explores a seemingly inexplicable phenomenon, one that will engage psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists and other s cholars.
- Provost, G. Across the border: The true story of the satanic cult killings in Matamoros, Mexico. Pocket Books, New York, NY.
- Pulling, Patricia. The Devil's Web. Huntington House, 1989.
- Raschke, Carl A. Painted Black: From Drug Killings to Heavy Metal -- the Alarming True Story of How Satanism is Terrorizing Our Communities. Harper & Row, San Francisco, CA, 1990.
A history of above-board satanism in America.
- Reid, Greg. A Professional's Guide to Occult Crimes. Youthfire Publications, Box 370006, El Paso, TX 79937, 1993.
Manual covers basic information on calendar dates, rituals, and symbols but also contains analysis of trends and drawings of teens.
- Reid, Greg. Orphans in the Storm: Male Survivors of Sexual and Ritual Abuse. Youthfire Publications, Box 370006, El Paso, TX 79937, 1995.
Part One contains facts helpful to professionals and Part Two addresses personal issues molested boys, teens and men face on the road to healing.
- Reynolds, M. The Reality - The Truths About Satanic/Ritualistic Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder. Privately printed, P.O.Box 68183, Portland OR, 97268.
An excellent introduction to the recognition of satanic abuse, with a glossary, lists of phobias and holidays, etc., and a first-person account of several rituals.
- Richardson, J. T., Best, J. and Bromley, D. G., eds. The satanism scare. Social institutions and social change. The Satanism scare. Aldine de Gruyter, New York, NY, 1991.
Part I. Introduction -- Satanism as a social problem -- Part II. Anthropological and historical perspectives on satanism -- The demonology of satanism: An anthropological view -- The historical Satan -- Satanism: The new cult scare -- Part III. The satani c threat to children -- Satanism and child molestation: Constructing the ritual abuse scare -- Endangered children and antisatanist rhetoric -- Satanic cults, satanic play: Is Dungeons & Dragons a breeding ground for the Devil? -- Part IV. Psychia try and occult survivors -- Occult survivors: The making of a myth -- Satanism and psychotherapy: A rumor in search of an inquisition -- Part V. Satanism and the law -- The police model of satanism crime -- Law enforcement and the satanic crime connection : A survey of cult cops -- Satanism in the courts: From murder to heavy metal -- Part VI. Rumors and news about satanism -- The dynamics of rumor--Panics about satanic cults -- Accusations of satanism and racial tens! ions i n the Matamoros cult murders -- Devil worship in western Montana: A case study in rumor construction -- Cauldrons bubble, Satan's trouble, but witches are okay: Media constructions of satanism and witchcraft -- Part VII. The satanists -- Legend-trips and satanism: Adolescents' ostensive traditions as cult activity -- Social construction from within: Satan's process.
Although there is growing concern over satanism as a threat to American life, the topic has received suprisingly little serious attention. Recognizing this, the editors of this volume have selected papers from a wide variety of disciplines, broadly coveri ng contemporary aspects of satanism from the vantage point of studies in folklore, cults, religion, deviance, rock music, rumor, and the mass media.
- Robbins, R. H. The Encycloopedia Of Witchcraft And Demonology. Bonanza Books, New York, NY, 1959.
- Russell, Jeffrey Burton. Mephistopheles: The Devil in the Modern World. Cornell University Press, 1986.
- Ryder, David. Breaking the Circle of Ritual Satanic Abuse: Recognizing and Recovering from the Hidden Trauma. CompCare Publishers, Minneapolis, MN, 1992.
A book on healing from ritual satanic abuse which combines current therapeutic approaches to post trauma states with the 12-step philosophy of Survivors of Incest Anonymous.
- Ryder, Daniel. Cover-up of the Century: Satanic Ritual Crime and Conspiracy. Ryder Publishing, 225 CrossRoads, Blvd., #415, Carmel, CA 93923, 1994.
Cites cases where satanic ritual abuse victims' bodies have been found, ritual abuse convictions have been succesful, and exposes official cover-ups.
- S., Joe. Out of hell again: satanic ritual abuse and recovery. State of the Art Publishing, 225 Crossroads Blvd. #414, Carmel, CA, 93923, 1991.
Excerpts from the journal of a survivor who is helped by his Christian faith, therapy, and the Twelve Steps of ACOA.
- St. Clair, David. Say You Love Satan. Dell Publishing, New York, NY, 1987.
True crime format of teenagers involved in satanism and murder.
- Sakheim, David K., and Devine, Susan E. Out of Darkness: Exploring Satanism & Ritual Abuse. Lexington Books (Maxwell MacMillan International), New York, NY, 1992.
The history of satanic religions -- Satanic beliefs and practices -- Alternative hypotheses regarding claims of satanic cult activity: A critical analysis -- Child forensic evaluation and claims of ritual abuse or satanic activity: A critical analysis -- A law-enforcement perspective on allegations of ritual abuse -- Psychological testing and ritual abuse -- Ritual abuse: The experiences of five families -- Constructivist self-development theory: A theoretical model of psychological adaptation to severe trauma -- Diagnosis and treatment of ritually abused children -- Recognition and treatment of survivors reporting ritual abuse -- Bound by the boundaries: Therapy issues in work with individuals exposed to severe trauma
In Out of Darkness, editors David Sakheim and Susan Devine graph the intersection of satanic cult activity, a phenomenon cloaked in unreality, and the very real and immediate tragedy of child abuse, often an attendant evil of ritual wo rship. Culling information from forensic experts, law enforcement officials, clergy, and psychotherapists and counselors, Sakheim and Devine provide a comprehensive overview of the relationship between these two realms, including: a history of satanic religions; a forensic guide to dealing with claims of ritual abuse; a theoretical model of psychological adaptation to severe trauma (and) diagnosis and treatment of ritually abused children. Out of Darkness is one of the first books to acknowledge the surprising pervasiveness of ritual activity, and skillfully reveal the links between it and incidences of physical and psychological child abuse.
- Sanford, D. Don't make me go back, Mommy: A child's book about satanic ritual abuse. Multnomah Press, Portland, OR, 1990.
A little girl discloses about ritual abuse in day care, and is believed and helped by her parents and therapist. Popular with adults with inner children.
- Scammell, Henry. Mortal Remains: A True Story of Ritual Murder. Edward Burlingame Books (HarperCollins Publishers), 1991.
'True crime' format: story of satanic murders in Fall River, Massachusetts.
- Schmidt, J. Satanismus: Mythos und Wirklichkeit, diagonal-verlag, Marburg. 1992.
In German.
- Seth, Ronald. In the Name of the Devil. Harrolds Publishers, 1977.
- Sinason, Valerie. Treating Survivors of Satanic Abuse. Routledge, New York, NY, 1994.
Thirty four chapters by different authors covering a wide variety of subjects. Consistently respectful and humane, excellent bibliographies.
- Sklar, Dusty. The Nazis and the Occult. Dorset Press, New York, NY, 1977. (Formerly titled Gods and Beasts.)
Analysis of the occult underpinnings of the Third Reich.
- Smith, Michelle, and Pazder, Lawrence. Michelle Remembers. Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster), New York, NY, 1980.
A Canadian woman relives 14 months of Satanic childhood abuse while in therapy. Catholic viewpoint.
- Spencer, Judith. Suffer the Child. Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster), New York, NY, 1989.
A readable account of satanic abuse that resulted in multiplicity.
- Stratford, Lauren. Satan's Underground. Harvest House, Eugene, OR, 1988.
First-person account of a woman's recruitment into satanism and escape. Christian view-point.
- Symonds, John. The Great Beast. Rider & Co., 1951.
- Tate, Tim. Children for the Devil: Ritual Abuse and Satanic Crime. Methuen, London, 1991.
Documents contemporary cases of ritual child abuse in Europe, and presents an historical discussion of occult beliefs and practices.
- Terry, Maury. The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation into a Dangerous Satanic Cult. Bantam Books, New York, NY, 1987.
An extensive investigation of the Son of Sam murders, linking them to a national network of cults.
- Tierney, P. The Highest Altar: Unveiling the Mystery of Human Sacrifice. Penguin Books, New York, NY, 1989.
- Vallee, J. Messengers of deception. 1979.
- Victor, J. S. Satanic panic. Open Court, 1993.
- Warnke, Mike. The Satan Seller. Bridge Publishing, Inc., South Plainsfield, NJ, 1972.
First-person account of an adult's indoctrination into a satanic drug and sex ring, his escape and recovery. Christian viewpoint.
- Warnke, Rose Hall. The Great Pretender.Starburst, 1985.
- Wedge, Thomas W. The Satan Hunter. Daring Books, Canton, OH, 1988.
An over-view of movements appealing to teenagers, including heavy metal, Dungeons and Dragons, and above-board satanic groups.
- Wilson, Colin. The Occult. Vintage Books, New York, NY, 1973.
A history of Western occultism, with a chapter on Aleister Crowley.
- Wright, L. Remembering satan. Knopf, 1994.
A case of recovered memory and the shattering of an American family.
- Young, Walter C. "Recognition and treatment of survivors reporting ritual abuse," in Out of darkness: Exploring satanism and ritual abuse. edited by David K. Sakheim and Susan E. Devine, Lexington Books/Macmillan, Inc, New York, NY, 1992, pp . 249--278.
Addresses ritual abuse from the standpoint of those patients who report ongoing abuse since early childhood at the hands of satanic cults, not only in formalized ceremonies but also on a day-to-day basis within the family. Outlines the presentation and recognition of patients who report ritual abuse and examines the complex treatment issues involved in their rehabilitation.Revised June 30, 1995
[extraction/reformatting: boboroshi ] [original URL: http://www.xroads.com/rahome/ra_books.htm]
- The Ordur of Kaos Under Satan (TOKUS)
-- the underlying k@s that makes all this possible
- Satanism Archive
- Smackers -- self-described Satanist expressions
- Compare outsiders' descriptions of Satanism and satanism:
- Propaganda -- non-Satanist religious and academics
- Delusion -- 'satanic ritual abuse' fear-mongering
- Mother Church (CoE)
-- the progenitrix of eco-ethics
(c) 1999 boboroshi@satanservice.org (nagasiva)
items referenced in this archive are
copyright the authors cited per the Berne standard.Illustr. credits: "krampustile" was cybercrafted by tyagi nagasiva, scanned from a 1932 postcard printed by "Erika" with krampus on red and white background, 1998; 'Snake Bar Devils' is an improvement on the 'Authentic Candle of Desperation' packaging from Botanica Del Leon Rayon (Mexico) by t. nagasiva, 1998.
The Gospel of Satan: the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World
Satanism Bibliography: composite booklist of relevant sources on Satanity and devildom, by category
Satanic Blood Pact: explanation of how, why, and when to make a blood pact with the Devil
Adversarial AEon Begins: the particular and specific incident of a Satanic Blood Pact described
Manifesto Satanika: a generalized Satanic sociopolitical manifesto, with a helpful elaboration
nocTifer: a tender-hearted Satanian (nagasiva yronwode) in all avenues of expression
Bookmarks in compilation from the Magus of the AEon of the AdversaryMAGIC, SPELLS, AND DIVINATION
Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century hoodoo accounts, with ex-slave narratives & interviews
Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers: readings and hoodoo services
Hoodoo Library facilitating an education on conjure, and help procuring modern sources
Herb Magic: illustrated descriptions of magic herbs with free spells, and a way to obtain them
Free Spells from eclectic witches, Coven Kyklos, in their Book of Shadows, called "Spiritual Spells"
Lucky Mojo Spell Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more
Mystic Tea Room: tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups
Tarosymbolismatrix Tetraktypisciseferoticus: the symbolic foundation of a novel Tarot deck
Change Oracle: rudiments of Yijing (I Ching) and several means of using it for readings
Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
Usenet FAQ Archive: arcane and spiritual FAQs and REFs, brought to you by Lucky Mojo
YIPPIE: the Yronwode Institution, bearing the standard of indigenous ethnomagicologyOCCULTISM, MYSTICISM, AND RELIGION
Arcane Archive: thousands of archived usenet posts on religion, magic, mysticism, and spirituality
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: inter-faith; candle services; Smallest Church in the World
Sacred Sex: essays and articles on neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship
Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist