Newsgroups: alt.satanism,alt.magick.tyagi,talk.religion.misc,alt.pagan From: (nocTifer) Subject: On Satanism 49980613 aa3 Hail Satan! 1 Christianity and the Concept of Satan In _Witchcraft_, Pennethorne Hughes wrote: "First, the new witch denied the Christian faith and baptism, some- times gratuitously emphasizing the sincerety of this by insulting the Virgin Mary (known as the Anomalous Woman), spitting on the Cross, and so on. This was followed by vows to the adopted god, the Devil. As time went on, he was the Christian Devil, but earlier he was more perceptibly the old fertility god, and the witches vowed themselves his not only soul, but body and soul. The process was pantomimed in the custom of the Scottish witches of putting one hand to the crown of the head, and the other on the sole of the foot, and dedicating to the service of the Master all that lay in between the two hands. Professor Murray quotes a case where a pregnant woman excepted the unborn child, and the Devil was very angry." p. 96. --------- the religion of Christianity is a complex patchwork of Mystery cults, ecclesiastic architectures, mythic collage, and social infrastructure, its components brought together by a number of factions from several time periods and locations to serve a variety of purposes. the concept of Satan as an entity can be traced to its roots in pre-Christian religions: as cosmic antagonist (the Egyptian Seth or Mazdaist Ahriman), rebel against the God (the Jewish Azazel), the God's Attorney General (the Jewish Satan of "Job"), the liberator of humankind (the Greek Prometheus), and the natural hedonist (the Greek Pan or Dionysus), among others. the character and appearance of 'the Devil', as he came to be called, were consolidated and shifted over the course of Christian history, the first official description was published at the Council of Toledo in 447 CE: a large black monstrous apparition with horns on his head, cloven hooves -- or one cloven hoof -- ass's ears, hair, claws, fiery eyes, terrible teeth, an immense phallus, and a sulphurous smell. (PHughes) this magnified into several co-options from the sources mentioned previously, and others, to form a literary tradition used to support or reject the Christian religion over the last 1500 years. 2 Condemnation and Co-option Gerald Gardner (arguablly the founder of modern witchcraft) wrote: " should be noted that there are certain rites where a man must be the leader, but if a man of requisite rank is not available, a chief priestess belts a sword on and is thought of as a man for the occasion. But although woman can on occasion take man's place, man can never take woman's place. This may derive from the time of the associations of Druidesses of whom the Romans spoke as witches. Whether these were true Druidesses I do not know. It seems to have been a separate religious organization, possibly under the rule of the chief Druid, much in the same way that there was a priest or someone who might turn up at a witches' meeting and be acknowledged chief who came to be called "The Devil" in mediaeval times." _Witchcraft Today_, pp. 43-4. --------------------------------------------------- this literary tradition inspired or was used to justify a host of peculiar developments in European history, from mass-executions to anti-Christian religious rites that featured the new bogey in preferred variation. the history is blurred through the screed of politicians posing as historians, advocating their particular slant, so the exact details are not accounted. but there were at least rumors and legends through the years of those who worshipped or served this Christian antagonist, whether as interpreted merely by those who condemned them or on the part of those who sought his assistance. French writers such as Jules Michelet (a well-known historian) described the transformation of pre-Christian religions into devout diabolism. English publicists such as Pennethorne Hughes painted rich proseic imagery to match the fantastic genius of painters such as the Dutchman Hieronymous Bosch, and provided a presumed history of witchcraft, diabolism and satanism. fomenting an incredibly rich cultural tapestry (the demonology and pacts such as that of Marlowe and Goethe's Fausts, the nightmares of Dante's and Milton's Christian apologies, the beatification of the Eden serpent and Devil by a variety of Gnostics, and the admirable Satans of Shaw and Twain), these fine texts were utilized as structural support for cosmologic underpinnings to defend or refute the Christian religious tradition. those who condemned their non-Christian religious rivals ascribed allegiance to the Worker of All Evils, that Devil whose insidious interventions had wrought the downfall of Primordial Man and continued to threaten existence through nefarious and deceitful enterprises. those who co-opted the bogey into a hero and underdog in order to combat their oppressors described the Light- Bringer and genius who fought for the liberation of humanity from the clutches of a tyrannical archon, that rapacious chieftain of a tribe of dominating warriors and hypocritical priests. 3 History of Satanism as a Religion Gardner's spiritual successor, Doreen Valiente, wrote: "The spirits of Nature which the pagans sensed as haunting lonely places, were neither good nor evil. They were simply different from man, not flesh and blood, and therefore best regarded with caution and respect. People of Celtic blood in the lonelier parts of the British Isles take this attitude to this day towards the fairies, whom they call the Good Neighbours or the People of Peace. "The Devil is that which is wild, untamed, and unresolved -- in nature, and in human nature. He is the impulse in *themselves*, which people fear and of which they dislike to admit the existence. Hence these impulses become exteriorised, and projected in the form of devils and demons. No wonder that in the Middle Ages, when the Church ruled with an iron hand, the Devil appeared everywhere! He was the projected image of the natural desires, especially sexual desires, which would not be denied, however much the Church denounced them as sin." _An ABC of Witchcraft Past & Present_, Doreen Valiante, p. 109. ------------------------------------------------- where we locate the exact origin of Satanism depends largely on how we are defining it. as an antagonistic movement supporting innovation and freedom of thought and deed (the way many modern Satanists portray it) it is age-old and impossible to isolate to one time period or geographic culture. as an anti-Christian diatribe or liturgy accomplishing the travesty of the rites of the religious establishment now identified with the Roman Catholic Church and opposed to the authority and values represented therein, it is somewhat more easy to trace, especially if we allow for a broad range between propaganda and actuality, condemnatory slander and confirmable behavior. pacts with Satan have a long and intriguing history, as do what are called 'Black Masses', whether or not they included the precise elements described by the authorities who put them down. in no case does it seem there have been wholly unrelated cults fabricating a parallel to Christian cosmology with their religious allegience firmly planted upon 'the Devil' or 'Satan' per se, and most religious who designed anything of the sort seem to have done so with full knowledge of setting themselves at least slightly in opposition to the Christian religious establishment of the time, whether on account of conflicting values in a devious co-option or from the delusion of seeking solace from the adversary of their cosmic Creator. if Satanism is understood as a social phenomenon of self- identification, the promotion of certain doctrines and values associated with the term, and a system of traditional rites and symbols with coherent integrity congregating around some positive notion of 'Satan', then Satanism probably started in the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960s, surrounding the person of one Anton LaVey, who was inspired by numerous artists in the tradition of rebellion against the establishment (co-opting the figure of 'Satan' toward desired ends as so many did before him). it is at this point in time that the self-identification truly comes into prominence ('Luciferan' and 'Promethean' being possible precursors), and the creation of the 'Church of Satan', which was followed by numerous offshoots and alternatives, started a social trend that had not previously arisen (extensive networks of those who identified AS, rather than having been identifed by OTHERS as, 'Satanists'). since that time, due to the rebellious and innovative nature of Satanism itself, several varieties of this religious current have blossomed, to the point where it rivals most other religions for diversity despite its comparatively smaller population. 4 Principles Important to Satanic Religious Tradition that encyclopedian rascal, Richard Cavendish, wrote: "The followers of the Devil are intensely excited by and preoccupied with sensual pleasure and worldly achievement. They admire pride, strength and force. They revel in self- assertion and dominance, lust, dirt, violence, cruelty and all passionate sensations. Christian piety, with its virtues of otherworldliness, self-denial, humility, cleanliness of heart and mind, they condemn as spineless, colourless, dead. They whole-heartedly echo Swinburne's accusing line -- 'Thou has conquered, O pale Galilean, and the world has grown gray from thy breath.' "As in black magic generally, actions which are conventionally condemned as evil are valued for their psychological and mystical effects. Devil-worshippers usually believe that the attainment of perfection and the experience of the divine come through an ecstasy achieved in sensual orgy, which is likely to involve perverse sexual practices, homosexuality and flagellation, sometimes cannibalism. Because the Christian churches, especially the Roman Catholic, are regarded as abominable institutions devoted to the worship of an evil god, their ceremonies are parodied and degraded. Doing this is not merely to make a gesture in the Devil's cause; it captures and twists to Satanic uses the power which is believed to be inherent in the Christian rituals." _The Black Arts_, p. 317. ---------------------------- the principles important to the tradition of Satanism as a religion are very old and were emphasized by the literary tradition of revolutionaries, artists and champions of human freedom and aesthetics who preceded it. as the varieties of Satanism proliferate, there are bound to be extensive additions to any list that an analyst such as I might draw up. therefore, beware that what follows are merely observations on commonalities shared by Satanists and their expressions to which I have been exposed. rather than attempt to describe some favored cosmology (beyond this parenthetical mention that a high regard for materialistic and atheistic science seems quite common), I would prefer to provide a list of qualities ascribed to the character of Satan, and typically or ideally emulated and admired, by the modern Satanist: A Genius/Innovation/Creativity the guile, intelligence and fertility of insightful and liberated consciousness B Self-Interest/Individualism/Uniqueness authentic expression arising from the true nature of the person, centering unambiguously in the self as the source and benefactor of rational action C Rebellion/Liberation/Independence resistance to oppressive authority, freeing constrained energies, autonomy of motive and purpose D Hedonism/Indulgence sensual immersion and revelry, the appreciation and enjoyment of pleasure free from guilt or inhibition E Mischief/Deception/Trickery usage of imagery and language as a tool to deceive or manipulate, for instruction and/or gain F Destruction/Wrath/Pain vengeance upon deserving enemies, the integrated expression of anger or sorrow, a respect and honor for wrathful imagery and language in processing deep and difficult emotions 5 The Future of Satanism the Queen of anti-feminist, anti-lesbian, lesbian feminists, Camille Paglia, in her outstanding _Sexual Personae_, revealed: "The Bible defensively swerves from God's true opponent, cthonian nature. The serpent is not outside Eve but in her. She is the garden *and* the serpent. Anthony Storr says of witches, 'At the very primitive level, all mothers are phallic.' The Devil is a woman.... Nature is serpentine, a bed of tangled vines, creepers and crawlers, probing dumb fingers of fetid organic life which Wordsworth taught us to call pretty." p. 11. --------- and within the Manifesto Satanika is the clear admission: "identifying our focus of service with the uncontrolled aspect of human and other forms of life (wild nature), Satanists of my type forge a direct link with that sovereignty, which some symbolize as a goddess, some as a draconic fusion of species and gender given varying names (such as Tiamat, Python, Leviathan and Baphomet), and some as antagonistic alien beings which consider 'civilization' to be an obstruction to their entropic and disruptive ends (esp. typhonian qliphotic demons, the 'Old Ones' of H.P.Lovecraft, and various other 'wrathful' deities of older religious cultures)."
-------------------------------------------------------------- here I begin to advocate my preferences regarding Satanism and my vision for its development in the years to come. the form that Satanism takes is truly only limited by our minds. as a central advocate for freedom and the preservation of Nature, Satanism will assume greater ecological and anarchic features as it matures, moving beyond the limited social standards it needed to emerge into public consciousness and integrating the ideas and tactics of those who oppose the puritanical and exploitative establishment. names such as Camille Paglia, Susie Bright, Pat Califia, E.F. Schumacher, Duane Elgin and Edward Abbey will join those of traditional aesthetes and revolutionaries such as Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade, Georges Bataille, Eliphas Levi, Aleister Crowley, Kenneth Grant, Frater Nigris, Max Stirner, Gustav Landauer, Louis Michel, Emma Goldman, Federica Montseny, Henry David Thoreau, and Dave Foreman as source material from which to deepen and energize our tradition. a wider vision will be incorporated by the future Satanist than the importantly-espoused egotism of today's milieu, featuring long-term social platforms, the preservation of natural splendor through restriction of human reproduction and consumption, and the intensification of human pleasure and experience via scientific and mystical enterprises. Satanism will remain the standard of the powerful, infiltrate the uppermost echelon of modern society as its wisdom is recognized, and offer both remedies to social ills and guidance to the masses through its anarchic network of revolutionary and compassionate aesthetes. ========================================================= from a lecture on Satanism, 6/11/98, IRC/EFNet: #witch, by nocTifer (; copyright 1998, all rights reserved; electronic duplication when not obtaining compensation is acceptable; others obtain permission from the author/copyright holder. ================================================= EOF
The Gospel of Satan: the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World
Satanism Bibliography: composite booklist of relevant sources on Satanity and devildom, by category
Satanic Blood Pact: explanation of how, why, and when to make a blood pact with the Devil
Adversarial AEon Begins: the particular and specific incident of a Satanic Blood Pact described
Manifesto Satanika: a generalized Satanic sociopolitical manifesto, with a helpful elaboration
nocTifer: a tender-hearted Satanian (nagasiva yronwode) in all avenues of expression
Bookmarks in compilation from the Magus of the AEon of the AdversaryMAGIC, SPELLS, AND DIVINATION
Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century hoodoo accounts, with ex-slave narratives & interviews
Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers: readings and hoodoo services
Hoodoo Library facilitating an education on conjure, and help procuring modern sources
Herb Magic: illustrated descriptions of magic herbs with free spells, and a way to obtain them
Free Spells from eclectic witches, Coven Kyklos, in their Book of Shadows, called "Spiritual Spells"
Lucky Mojo Spell Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more
Mystic Tea Room: tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups
Tarosymbolismatrix Tetraktypisciseferoticus: the symbolic foundation of a novel Tarot deck
Change Oracle: rudiments of Yijing (I Ching) and several means of using it for readings
Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
Usenet FAQ Archive: arcane and spiritual FAQs and REFs, brought to you by Lucky Mojo
YIPPIE: the Yronwode Institution, bearing the standard of indigenous ethnomagicologyOCCULTISM, MYSTICISM, AND RELIGION
Arcane Archive: thousands of archived usenet posts on religion, magic, mysticism, and spirituality
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: inter-faith; candle services; Smallest Church in the World
Sacred Sex: essays and articles on neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship
Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist